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PakLaunch x xWave

The crisis is unprecedented, with a total loss of $14 billion. $5.9 billion in housing, $964 million in infrastructure, $7.1B losses in crops and $135 million in livestock.

PakLaunch has partnered with xWave to reimagine a community, with shelter experience, Kashimir earthquake 2005, we are creating Sustainable housing that is resilient to future disasters. Keeping in mind local constraints and supply chain considerations. Partner with organizations (e.g. Green Karavan Houses) that have an established track record with building innovative housing....

With the learn and earn model, our apprenticeship program will train flood impacted individuals in digital skills (graphic design, web development and cloud computing) with a focus on gainful employment by mentoring them to earn in US Dollars via freelancing careers.

PakLaunch Water Disposal Effort

Floods are a regular feature in Pakistan. Our entire water infrastructure was shaken and shocked to its maximum capacity for many years. We have ignored our village/Rural population who are the backbone of our economy and the food basket of Pakistan.

We have extremely complex unprecedented problems on many fronts, especially the huge volume of man-high water disposal which is getting stale and poisonous. Pak-Launch was able to gather some scientists and engineers to brainstorm on the possible solutions for Mass level water disposal...

The main theme is to drill holes in the ground into Loss/Cave zones or inject water into other zones, but the challenge is that this water is filled with animal corps/dung poisonous water and there are fresh water pockets / aquifers underground, which scientists don’t want to touch, because if they get contaminated then we will have a catastrophe over calamity by leaps and bounds.

We also have big opportunities like using this polluted water to irrigate droughted land pre-floods and a huge storage capacity underground for future use than the dams to be constructed. That doesn't eliminate the importance of dams, being our 1st line of defense against thrashing and ragging waters, but underground storage can be a very cheap and viable option.

Therefore, due to these few mentioned challenges, scientists and engineers alike, are not rushing because the solution should be durable enough before next year floods.

This group has created a note to provide some guidance on shallow flood-water disposal wells which could help in speeding up the flood-water disposal and possibly recharge the ground water where it has been depleted. Where shallow disposal wells are not feasible, deeper disposal wells are also being considered but need more work.

Pakistan Flood 2022 - Media Coverage

2022 Flood is affecting millions of people in Pakistan


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